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Class 1000 Cleanrooms

Class 1000 Cleanrooms

Class 1000 cleanroom is a soft- or hard-sided wall manufactured structure that utilizes HEPA filtration systems to maintain air cleanliness levels of a maximum of 1,000 particles (≥0.5 µm) per cubic meter of inside air. Class 1000 cleanroom filtration system must provide filter coverage of 20-30% and – a minimum of 180 air changes per hour. The standard air flow rate for an ISO 6 filtration system is 18-32 CFM per square foot.

Cleanrooms By Yu-Hai produces extremely practical Cleanrooms that meet all required specifications and requirements. We provide the layout, square footage, and features that your project specifications require. The custom, flexible, modular construction of our ISO 6 clean rooms makes them easy to expand, reconfigure, or relocate as your cleanroom needs evolve.

What Type of Cleanroom is Right for Your Project?

A typical cleanroom is designed to keep outside contaminants and particles at a minimum based on the ISO clean room standards. Once fully built and operational, an isolated cleanroom is free from outside particles and contamination. However, the two things that can introduce particles and contamination into your cleanroom are people and processes.

Flexible & Affordable Modular Cleanroom Systems

Since they are constructed of hard or soft panels with a hard ceiling, modular cleanroom systems are highly configurable. Soft panel cleanrooms have walls made from clear PVC and one small opening for entering and exiting the area. Hard panel systems consist of prefabricated panels that join to create a square or rectangular room. Hard-walled cleanrooms are fully enclosed and can be fitted with doors, windows, and transfer hatches, just like a permanent cleanroom.

Some of the advantages modular cleanroom systems provide over permanent clean rooms include:

  • Versatility: A modular cleanrooms can be readily assembled, disassembled, and relocated, often in just a few days or less
  • Easily Reconfigurable: The layout of a modular cleanroom can be rearranged, expanded, retrofit, and/or upgraded.
  • Cost-Effective: Modular cleanrooms are designed and manufactured offsite for a fraction of the cost of permanent construction.
  • Time Saving: Modular cleanroom systems can be installed onsite in a fraction of the time as permanent construction.
  • Reduced Downtime: Modular cleanroom installation causes far less disruption to daily operations, allowing many users to keep some or all operations running without disruption.
  • Leasing: If you lease your space, the modular option allows you to uninstall the clean room you need and take it with you if your operation changes locations.
  • R.O.I.: Because it can be taken down, moved, and re-erected, a modular cleanroom is considered a piece of capital equipment and can be treated as such for taxation purposes.
  • Cleanliness: A modular cleanroom is the better option for cleanroom requirements above ISO 6 classification. The materials used in these systems do not shed like drywall or metal studs, reducing the level of contamination.

Class 1000 Cleanroom Gowning Protocol

Cleanroom requirements vary widely based on industry standards and the type of processes being performed. Always consult with a cleanroom professional for assistance in selecting the design and classification that are best suited for your application.

Class 1000 gowning requirements include:

  • Bunny-suit coveralls
  • Beard covers – gloves
  • Shoe covers
  • Gloves

Class 1000 Cleanroom Applications

An Class 1000 cleanroom provides air cleanliness levels of a maximum of 1,000 particles (≥0.5µm) per cubic foot with a minimum of 180 air changes per hour.

Industries that utilize Class 1000 cleanrooms include:

  • Medical device manufacturing
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical compounding
  • Laboratories
  • Aerospace product development
  • Cosmetics production

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